pMedGR partnership
pMedGR builds upon an initial regional set of core partners that combine excellence in clinical and translational research (MedUoA) with expertise in high-end technologies for biomedical discovery (Fleming, BRFAA).
The Lead Partner and Coordinator is the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (MedUoA). MedUoA is the largest and oldest Medical School in the country and already initiated in the context of the School’s strategic development plans the establishment of a Core Bioresearch facility and a Center of Excellence in Personalised Medicine. The School employs 650 faculty and 4000 medical students of outstanding quality which provide a very significant regional asset and critical mass for further development in the proposed area. The School is connected to several excellent teaching hospitals in the area, offering a unique opportunity to exploit the knowledge triangle (education, research, innovation) towards creating the next generation of researchers and clinicians that will develop and implement personalized medicine applications. Furthermore, MedUoA already has (and will further develop) a vast array of clinical data and biological specimens, which will serve as the basis for patient stratification approaches, biomarker identification and companion diagnostics development.
MedUoA has formed strategic partnerships with the top biomedical research centers: the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” (Fleming), and the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA). These institutes have proven scientific excellence in high-end biomedical technologies and have gained extensive visibility in the European Research Area and internationally through state of the art research and innovation programs in basic, as well as translational and applied science in biology, biomedicine and biotechnology. In addition, these Research Centers are leading the development of additional national, large-scale research infrastructures (INFRAFRONTIER, ELIXIR, BBMRI and others).
Additional academic and industrial partners may be added at later stages, to complement the Node’s technological platforms and expand its clinical areas of expertise.
pMedGR acts as a smart specialization regional “meta-structure” bringing together intersectoral partners, including:
Pharmaceutical R&D departments that wish to include patient stratification approaches and biomarker development along with their drug development pipelines.
Biotechnology SMEs and diagnostics developers that wish to co-develop companion diagnostics for personalised medicines.
Biomedical and clinical researchers, who wish to perform proof of concept studies and translate their findings in clinical applications for personalised medicine (including patient stratification, biomarker discovery etc).
National and European biomedical research infrastructures, resources and programs, providing high-end services along the drug development pipeline (including the Core Bioresearch facility at MedUoA, ESFRI infrastructures, IMI projects etc).
Patients and patient foundations, that wish to accelerate the development of new therapeutics and theranostics, and push innovative treatments to the clinic and the market faster.
Policy-makers that wish to maximize socio-economic benefits through public-private partnerships and ensure the sound management and allocation of public funds in the interest of both industry and society.

University of Athens
The Medical School of the University of Athens is highly active in the areas of Education, Research, Clinical Medicine and Social Welfare at a national and international level. The Medical School was founded in 1837 and today comprises of approximately 650 professors in its faculty. The School is organized in six Departments: the Department of Descriptive-Functional Studies, the Clinical Laboratory Department, the Department of Surgery, the Department of Medicine, the Department of Mother-Child Health and the Department of Social Medicine-Psychiatry-Neurology. Most of the laboratories and many Clinical Sections are located in the School's campus in Goudi, Athens, and clinical rotations take place in various teaching hospitals.
BSRC Fleming
Fleming is a top quality non-profit research organisation focusing on scientific and technological excellence, training and innovation in biomedical sciences. The Center, which was established in 1998, operates under the supervision of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of the Hellenic Ministry of Education and is located in Vari, Attica, housed in a 6,000sqm building. Competitive funding each year amounts to 75-85% of the Center's total budget, an achievement that underlies Fleming's strategic prioritization of research and innovation, which falls tightly within Europe 2020 priorities. In 2005 Fleming was proclaimed a "Scientific Center of Excellence" following a GSRT-sponsored site visit by an international review panel of distinguished scientists.
The Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA) is the most recent addition to the Life Sciences Research organizations in Greece, which begun its activities in 2004. It is located at a distance of 3 km from downtown Athens, and is housed in a modern 26,000sqm building. The founding principle of BRFAA is to host both basic and clinical research, thus, providing an ideal setting for the emergence of translational activities. BRFAA is one of the few institutes with such character in Europe and is certainly unique in Greece. The main goal of BRFAA is to achieve excellence in the Biomedical Sciences by recruiting high quality investigators carrying out cutting-edge basic and translational research and by training young researchers in a state-of-the-art facility, which provides a particularly stimulating scientific environment and strong research infrastructures.