2nd Open Call for Free Research ServicesÂ
Project Proposal Word Template
Webinar “2nd Call for proposals for FREE Research Services: Presentation of services and discussion of technical details”
To support research productivity and innovation in Greece, as well as the detection and support of projects that have the capacity to lead to state-of-the-art applications in personalised medicine.
Services offered gratis
In this 2nd Call, FREE Research Services will be given to four (4) research proposals, each pertaining to one of the below analyses of human samples. ​Services offered include all necessary consumables.
Genomic Analysis (NGS)
Transcriptomic Analysis (NGS)
Proteomic Analysis
Mass Cytometry (CyTOF)
Eligible applicants
Faculty Members and Researchers of Universities, Research Institutes and Companies based in Greece.
Submission deadline: March 07th, 2021
Submitted Proposals
33 project proposals were submitted under this Call.
The requested research services were distributed as follows (Bioinformatics analysis is included in all services to be provided):
9 for Personalised Genomics analysis
10 for Personalised Transcriptomics analysis
9 for Proteomics analysis
5 for analysis with Mass Spectrometry (CyTOF)
The submitted proposals were from 13 bodies throughout Greece:
Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens
Democritus University of Thrace
Hellenic Pasteur Institute
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (IMBB-FORTH), Ioannina
Mitera Hospital
National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF)
National Technical University of Athens
ProtATonce Ltd
University of Crete
University of Thessaly
University of West Attica
Results announcement
The submitted proposals were of high scientific interest and quality, which made the selection process particularly difficult. In addition to the criteria of scientific excellence, feasibility, maturity and possibility of innovation, the evaluation committee also took into account the technical feasibility of the projects, the estimated cost, but also the need to cover all the services offered by the Infrastructure, which is our obligation under the NSRF.
It was thus decided to implement 1 additional project in relation to the 4 that were initially announced.
The 5 selected proposals are:
1 for Personalised Genomics analysis: “Identification of novel genes/variants for paediatric cancer predisposition”.
2 for Personalised Transcriptomics analysis: “Secretome analysis for biomarker discovery and compound evaluation in ageing and senescence” and “Τranscriptional networks in leukemia”
1 for Proteomics analysis: “The role of translational control in neurodevelopmental disorders”.
1 for analysis with Mass Spectrometry (CyTOF): “Immune cell atlas for prediction of response to immune checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy in patients with lung cancer”.
​They span a wide range of diseases, including lung cancer, paediatric cancer, neurodevelopmental disorders, ageing & senescence, and leukaemia.
Projects that will be supported are from the following bodies:
Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (IMBB-FORTH), Ioannina
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
National Technical University of Athens
University of Crete
In addition to the above, and, as pMedGR encourages young initiatives, Proteomics analysis will be offered gratis to to a project entitled “SaliCa: Innovating Colon Cancer Screening Using Salivary Biomarkers", submitted by a group of undergraduate & postgraduate students that wish to participate in an international scientific competition.
All Researchers that submitted a proposal under this call should have received an email from pMedGR. If you submitted a proposal and have not heard from us, please contact us at pmedgr@med.uoa.gr.